Come on, more? Really? Warfare Minis Guest Gallery 5

I've managed to get to a fifth in the series of Warfare painted miniatures from the brushes of excellent painters whilst maintaining the quality!

Here we have some super, stylish Saxons from the very prolific brush of Roger Castle. Roger can be found evangelising about the GNW on several fora at the moment. His work output is high and he has done a wonderful job on his Warfare minis.

Friend and fellow enthusiast Mark Shearwood is also highly productive and creative in his output. His interests are broad within the period and he has substantial quantities of NYW and GNW models.

A popular subject - King James's Foot Guards

These are Jacobites I believe but could be many different troops

Mark Shearwood's dragoons

Richard Hampson Smith is producing some great work right now such as:

dragoons for Ireland I believe

The very popular Jacobite Foot Guards

Tyrconnel's Horse

An array of Williamites

Truls Fjell is a talented and prolific painter and collector from Norway and has completed these excellent GNW era units:
Swedish Life Guards of Horse

Danish Grenadier Korps 1715

And so, the story continues. I will feature more Warfare Guest painting work soon.