Defensive Behaviour.. building fieldworks with Warfare Miniatures accessories. Part 5

four finished pieces in the context of a game.
Now we are getting to the interesting bit. Painting the construction and making it come alive. As previously mentioned, my way of building these pieces is crude and bold. I don't mess about with high contrast artwork on things that are essentially piles of mud, wood and stones. A dull, dirty aspect is what I am after.

Use emulsion paint - chocolate brown or similar

Coat the entire piece. I included some finished sample pieces in the constructions

This won't take long to dry but leave it for 24 hours on a flat surface

The breach section has a broken gun screen and Costa coffee stirring sticks

The gabion wall is code WLOA929
Density of colour, drabness and lack of delineation between components. You will need to use no brush smaller than a 2 and that only for dabbing on the wine binding around fascine bundles and the metal hinges and ties on the gun screens. Otherwise its 6+ brushes,  brushes used for painting doors or skirting boards, washes of ink and acrylic paint and old splayed or flat brushes you can use for anything else any more!
Defence works painted and groundwork given first coat of drybrush

 The painting of the defences works was with Vallejo paints and crudely done. First drybrush over the emulsion base coat was a mid brown. This was drybrushed with a mid flesh tone. This was lightly drybrushed with a lighter flesh colour. One dry wash the whole thing down with a 50/50 paint water wash of cavalry brown/black. Go back over the open topped gabions and paint in the earth almost black with a skim of khaki to suggest drying earth.
The finished works get their surrounding groundwork attended to.
 The wooden planking is done by adding dark flesh to black to make a brown-grey mix. Add white a couple of times for successive drybrushing. Wash it down with the 50/50 mix to dull it and bring up the grain effect.I used some old red-brown emulsion mixed with a dab of chocolate for the first groundwork drybrush. Don't worry, it tones down as your see.

In part 6 the pieces begin to assume a more finished aspect.