Some Summer pictures of a winter time game from Germany.
Awa' in the Heilands - Speed Bonnie Boat and all that stuff.. |
Those very talented chaps - Jurgen, Sven, Stefan and Mirko aka the Kurpfalz Feldherren have done it again with this wonderful '45 Rebellion Donnybrook game at Tactica.
This looks suitably grim and Scots |
Their table was beautiful and contained four forces - French, Highlanders, 'English' (so called but Hanoverians is more appropriate) and the dastardly Campbells!
I think these are the Good Guys but that depends on your PoV! |
I was not sure about the plot but it involved trying to spirit the Prince away from the Baddies. I saw lots of whisky at the table and tried to convince my German friends about my own love of German whisky - I thoroughly commend Slyrs to you. a Bavarian product that even impressed my friends back home when I gave them some in a thimble to sniff.
Donnybrook using activation by Faction - player chooses the unit |
Enough of this nonsense! Concentrate on the game!
The French - quite what contribution they made to this version of the '45 I am uncertain |
As always the detail is high and from what I saw the appetite for the game from the paying public was strong.
Squad Leader of the Feldherren Herr Mueller - did he neck all of the whisky? |
It was great to have two games at the convention running using our publications and so, a big thank you to the Feldherren!
Chucking out time pretty much anywhere in Caledonia. His date is waiting landside |