Clarence Harrison - Right, here's a proper limber this time - none of that dodgy strapping a gun to the back of the poor horse...
Obviously a field gun would be pulled by more than two horses, but in the same spirit that calls 18 men a battalion, I wanted to keep the footprint of the limber to a minimum for my usual 4x6' table. As before, the gun is not attached and was lifted from one of my field gun emplacements...
Of course, as one gentleman pointed out elsewhere, the gun should be made of all one material. I have a dozen guns painted for other periods and none of them are decorated as my 1690 collection. I'm not sure why I choose to pimp these guns, but I'll get around to repainting them one of these days...
I wanted to paint something on the small sign at the rear of the base, but haven't decided what - it's too low for a road sign, so maybe the Irish equivalent of 'Keep Out' or 'Posted' or 'Trespassers will be shot on sight'...
I'm traveling to the western part of Virginia to run a game for some friends this Saturday (Violence in the Valley 2.0) and I'll post the full scenario - The Cock of the North - and a battle report in the next few weeks. It might be a test run for starting my own League of Augsburg weekenders in the USA. I still need to paint more units before I can put on one of these spectacles, but I'm getting there...