Normal Service (as such).. resumed
Apologies for my invisibility over the past few days. Work and travel combined to make for very long and jet lagged days which kept me away from the laptop other than to deal with non emergencies.
Needless to say, in that time we've been hacked on the LoA site with I think concomitant arse-ache for anyone trying to log into the forum. I am still trying to remember my new password so that I can log in and free up everyone else's account resets. With a week at home now I will try and achieve this objective at least.
Tactica looms large on the horizon and Toggy, Gwen and I are all set to bring the GNW back to North Germany! (in miniature at least and hopefully that will allay any nervousness in the natives of Hamburg). This means feverish activity and more flags than we've had on the table in some time. Poles, Cossacks, Russians and Swedes meaning 50+ flags will light up the game.
Along with Toggy's and my own painting will be some of Rob Goodyer's super work which is currently supplementing our burgeoning GNW collection. I hope to feature every unit on the blog over the next few weeks if I get a chance to photograph them all that is.
Some updates from us here at Warfare/Wordtwister/League of Augsburg/Quindia GHQ.
Warfare have been busy. We nearly got to market with the Swedish and Russian cavalry but decided we wanted to make a few tweaks before release so these boys went back into the queue. Jumping ahead of them have been several other Russian infantry models including
Musketeers in tricorne advancing
Pikemen in tricorne advancing
Command advancing
Pikemen in kartuz standing
Grenadiers in fur trimmed mitre standing
Streltsi Musketeers standing ready
All of these are either released, about to be released or going to production moulding shortly. The cavalry will be hot on their heels.
By now the Russian infantry codes number 16 (only eight less than the Swedes) and we are still going strong. More soon.
Clarence and I are back on the trail with BLB3 War of the Three Kings. Action call tonight.
I have several new pdfs written, we just need to decide where they fit in the artwork production queue.
With Clarence finally making it over to our side of the ocean we have an exciting weekender + 4 day Boy's Odyssey through the Irish Battlefields of 1689-1691 Tour planned for April.
We also hope to have some new flags for the GNW produced soon. Exciting times