S22 GNW Swedish Grenadiers ready
The first pack of Swedish grenadiers is in the 'ready' pose. We have talked a lot about how the grenadiers should be presented in the range and have several options up our sleeves including plug in grenadier caps but for now this pose was a safe bet.
The tall mitre style appears to have been in use with some Swedish regiments and the samples here have been painted in a couple of different uniform combinations.
The equipment detail is superb and the grenadiers look tooled up with their two pouches (one being a grenade bag) and field satchel.
These models are easy to paint but have a lot of detail which if it is to be done well takes a little time to get right.
The faces are expressive and I have deliberately left off eye detail which I believe works out very well.
The models are available in the shop now.
Here is the original test sculpt which although not commercially available has found its way to a few customers over the last year or so.
Crossing bayonets with a defending Russian infantryman makes the prospect of getting the full units finished a mouth watering one for me!