The League of Augsburg

Paint your wagon.. WLOA944.. lovely job!

beautiful effect with the wood grain

I wanted to share this fantastic version of WLOA944 painted by Nick Armiger in New Zealand. He has used the Foundry triad combinations to get an amazing effect on the piece.

great contrast between wood and canvas

Nick used peaty brown B for bringing out the grain, charcoal black B with a wash of dark tone and all three boneyard colours for the tarp.

He is going to...

Ireland book Vol 1 : Personalities: Piers Butler, Lord Galmoy

Piers Butler, Lord Galmoy was a character who polarized opinion. He is vilified in Protestant histories of the conflict as a brutal, duplicitous and arrogant man will little time for the niceties of war.
Hero or Villain? Piers Butler

He was feared and respected as a dashing if bloody cavalry commander and his regiment of Horse were hated by the enemy.
His equipment is commensurate with his...

Ireland book Vol 1 : Personalities: Captain Adam Murray

Adam Murray - commander of Derry's Horse
Adam Murray is a character whose role in the Irish campaigns starts and finishes more or less with the Siege of Derry.

He was a Presbyterian of Scots descent and lived near to the city. He provide to be a bold soldier and inspirational leader to his men. He was involved in many adventures, skirmishes and battles during the period of the siege.

The colours...

Ireland book teaser - The personalities

I spent the Christmas break working on individual personality models for the key players in the 1688-1689 period. These feature in volume 1 of the new Ireland book.

I decided to be very disciplined and complete them all together so having painted 12 (Clarence has already done the 13th - Richard Hamilton), I have gotten them all to the pre finishing stage. By that I mean the figures are painted but...

Something completely different... Highlanders from Warfare Miniatures

Standard bearer or wealthy clansman

It's all my fault. For that I apologize. To not have hurried up and painted these lovely sculpts and share them is in of itself a serious misdemeanour.

Clan warrior

I commissioned these models from the talented Steve Shaw many moons ago. Steve works at his own pace and so the figures have trickled to me in batches over a protracted period. This perhaps contributed...

Building a Wargames Army, Part 8 - King James' Irish Foot Guards

Clarence Harrison - Yeah, remember this series (Type 'Building a Wargames Army' in the search bar above)? Hopefully updates will be a little more frequent, but as the WiP posts have shown I made progress on my Jacobite army. I actually painted twelve models in two days thanks to a long holiday weekend. It took me two months to paint the first six!

As I mentioned a while back, I used the Warfare...

Jim Purky's BIG unit of Swedes

Jim Purky needs no introduction in the world of Horse and Musket wargaming so I won't try here, if you don't know about Old Fritz then search out his German 'alte' ego and see what he has been up to for a long time.

Jim has become very engaged with Warfare Miniatures Great Northern War project and recently sent me some fine pictures of his newly completed unit of the celebrated Upplands Regiment.


Here comes those Russkies!

OK so these pix are not the best and were done very quickly on the iPhone but I thought before I flew off again I'd share the punctuation mark activity conducted during my construction of Derry's walls.

I have prepped up one each of all 20 sculpts so far mastered but only managed to complete the painting of four. They were are real joy to do and actually very quick due to the elegant simplicity of...

I am an Idiot

Clarence Harrison - So, yeah. I have painted a pile of Warfare Miniatures infantry and I have an equally large pile to go. Changing it up always helps break the monotony of the grind when you have a lot of models to paint so I thought for King James II's Royal Irish Foot regiment I would use the excellent Warfare Miniatures Maison du Roi models.

Pretty cool right? Of course, this regiment was one...

All aboard! Down to the table in boats Part 1

busy little harbour but of course this is just a line up
I have resisted buying much at the various shows I have attended over the last several years. This has been a lot easier than may first be imagined. I, like most of the people reading this Blog have far too much stuff. I buy on a whim and store for decades. I am almost cured of that now. I have however two weaknesses (that I can talk about on...

Barry's little Scanian War project Part 3 LEAD INTO ASSETS

The benchmark - flat painted - gunked - varnished
As mentioned previously I had decided on a very pragmatic approach to creating the forces for both sides in the Scanian War project.

hand painted undercoat using Vallejo Model Colour White
My plan was to use a standard painting method consisting of a white undercoat, flat painting of well chosen bold and contrasting uniform colours followed by brushed...

Barry's little Scanian War project Part 1 - HOW IT STARTED

Swedish Life Guards at the charge 1676
Barry Hilton - My interest in the Scanian War 1675-79 probably began when I was 11 but I didn't know it! My Father bought me Military Uniforms of the World by Preben Kannik for my birthday and I still have the book.

Kannik - after 42 years it all makes sense!
Plates which meant nothing to me but that I must have looked at hundreds of times over the intervening...