Tilting at Windmills (The Battle of Penny Burn Mill, Part Nine)
Clarence Harrison - Whew! I just completed this fantastic windmill model from Tabletop World. I think there are less details on a Napoleonic hussar!
Check out the ropes on the back of the vanes, securing the sails to the frame. Of course, this model will be the centerpiece in our Battle of Penny Burn Mill game for Historicon 2016, forming the anchor of the Jacobite defense.
The stonework was drybrushed in multiple layers and then I use several GW washes (Nuln Oil, Reikland Flesh, and Carroburg Crimson) to pick out individual stones to vary the tones. Then I used a final highlight of my palest grey to blend these back into the whole. I spent a very long time blending the smooth fabric of the sails and I'm not sure it shows in the photograph. You'll just have to come along and see it in Fredricksburg!
Next up are a pile of tents and assorted gear to make two Jacobite camps...
Check out the ropes on the back of the vanes, securing the sails to the frame. Of course, this model will be the centerpiece in our Battle of Penny Burn Mill game for Historicon 2016, forming the anchor of the Jacobite defense.
The stonework was drybrushed in multiple layers and then I use several GW washes (Nuln Oil, Reikland Flesh, and Carroburg Crimson) to pick out individual stones to vary the tones. Then I used a final highlight of my palest grey to blend these back into the whole. I spent a very long time blending the smooth fabric of the sails and I'm not sure it shows in the photograph. You'll just have to come along and see it in Fredricksburg!
Next up are a pile of tents and assorted gear to make two Jacobite camps...