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Jyske or Jutland Regiment - Danish |
Barry Hilton - It has been a while since
I first posted some pictures from Julian's long departed collection so I thought it timely to delve into the archive for another selection of work that went from me to South London several years ago and now resides I know not where! Maybe someone reading the blog knows where it all is these days.. answers on a comment here please.
Jutland Regiment are first up. I actually liked both the figure and the colour combination I used on these. The flag is of course in the cotton style which I specialized in between 1990-2010.
Regiment Prinds Georg - Danish
Regiment Prinds Georg are an old favourite of mine. Having painted them for my own collection and for another customer I was happy to do them for Julian too. This flag is that which first appeared on my own battalion before I re-flagged them.
Regiment Lochmann - Swiss |
Swiss regiments in the Grand Alliance service are less common subjects for wargaming armies than those who ably served the French.
Regiment Lochmann have a very similar standard to that of the Gardes Suisses. This was, in my opinion one of the better Old Glory poses.
Regiment Pallandt - Dutch |
I am almost sure the unit above is
Regiment Pallandt. I remember misnaming them somewhere else and being gently corrected! If I have erred once more I apologize. The mix up was with
Regiment Beaumont I seem to remember.
Gard Dragonders in the dismounted role |
The famous Black Dragoons. Infantry figures painted as a dismounted dragoon battalion. I enjoy painting black uniforms, it is an interesting challenge to make them appear as if they have depth without going overboard.
1st Foot Guards - English
The 1st Regiment of Foot Guards are of course the senior regiment of infantry in the British Army (now the Grenadier Guards. In this iteration they are still English and not British. The pose was one of those I felt less comfortable in the Old Glory range.
Hales? Regiment of Foot
I think the chaps above are Edward Hales's Regiment but without going to check my source material I can't be sure. They look nice though!
Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards - English |
The final unit is the famous
Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards. An English regiment named after a Scottish town right on the border between the two countries.
More from Julian's collection soon.