The League of Augsburg

Warfare Miniatures Mounted Dragoons Command

WLOA60 Mounted dragoon Command in hats

The first mounted dragoon command code features models in hats. Included are an officer, a guidon bearer and a drummer.

Guidon bearer

Guidon bearer

Guidon bearer on alternative mount

The models are mounted on smaller, dragoon sized horses.

Dragoon drummer

Dragoon drummer

Dragoon drummer

I have added a field sign to their hats and painted them as Colonel Albert...

Warfare Miniatures Mounted Dragoons - pre release view

BLB squadron size - six models

Well these chaps have taken a long time to appear but having had a chance to paint one each of the first six models and four new horse types I am hugely pleased with what we are about to release and believe them to be we worth the wait.

Dragoon horses - smaller than standard cavalry mounts

Featured here are three Command and three dragoon models in hats which could be...

Warfare Miniatures GNW Swedish Artillerists -WiP shots

Some less obvious uses for the new artillerists. These vignettes are not finished but Work in Progress

Warfare Miniatures GNW Swedish Artillerists shooting light gun

Picture feature of the forthcoming Swedish artillerists shooting a light gun

Warfare Miniatures GNW Swedish Artillerists shooting light gun

Picture feature of the forthcoming Swedish artillerists shooting a light gun

Warfare Miniatures GNW Swedish Artillerists loading gun

Picture feature of our forthcoming Swedish artillerists loading a light gun

Warfare GNW Swedish Artillery running back gun

Picture feature of the 'running back' option with various crew men used

Warfare Miniatures GNW Swedish artillery combinations - Overview

Running back a light field piece

This post highlights the different combinations I have been experimenting with using 14 of the new Swedish Artillerists for the GNW range.

Loading a light field piece

I will feature every one of these pieces in detail in separate posts but this taster allows those interested to see how they can be used.

Shooting a light field piece

The pieces I have used are the Light...

New GNW Swedish Artillery crew combinations

crew of 4 loading
crew of 4 loading
crew of 4 loading

When I received these master castings I couldn't wait to paint them. The 15 crew figures will be sold in three sets of five models.

crew of 4 re positioning

crew of 4 crew re  positioning
crew of 4 re positioning

One of the fifteen is missing from these shots as he didn't make it into the first master mould but I have included a shot of the green at...

Russian Big Wigs of the GNW #3 - A middle wig

This final piece in the series of three is painted as a brigadier of infantry. He is a slight conversion from the cornet figure in WLOA48 with an officer's arm replacing his original open hand.

The sentinel beside him is painted as a Semenovski Guardsman.

The uniform and Russian sash in national colours contrast very well with the black horse. I chose a smaller round base for this fellow.

These three...

Russian Big Wigs of the GNW #2 The General

This vignette feature three figures. The hat waving general from WLOA48 a senior officer from WLOA54 and a Russian musketeer from R01.

I use some interesting pieces of dead wood to create the fallen tree effect. You may also notice the two cannon balls and ploughed up ground to the front of the tree.

This is buckshot supplied by a friend.

I was very pleased with this piece of work and will copy it...

Derry's walls part 8 -tragedy,triumph and the use of interior lighting

coffee stained concept sketches probably done in an airport

Well, with one serious piece of real estate to complete I ran into the long grass. I have been keeping my options open all the way through this project but with the last building I had several make or break decisions to take.
The Big Hoose before all the joins are cemented in

These included whether to have an elevated main doorway requiring...