The League of Augsburg

More new GNW Russians

Brief post to update you on the latest available GNW Russian codes.

The long awaited Russian Musketeers with bayonets in the defending position are now available and here they are:

Also, as a result of several requests we are making a slightly unusual pack available - Streltsi/Early Musketeers  x4 with an additional officer in traditional dress. pack R12

Here they are:

All packs in the GNW Russian...

Warfare R07 Russian musketeer Firing line in kartuz

The firing line pack is a joy to paint. Good detail on the faces and enough variety in the poses to make the combination animated in the unit. I chose to revert to shade of red I used to good effect many years ago when I painted Mackay's Regiment of Scots in Dutch service.

I admit it is a somewhat gaudy but it has high impact particularly when combined with the interesting greens I ended up using.


Warfare R07 Russian musketeer Firing line in kartuz

The firing line pack is a joy to paint. Good detail on the faces and enough variety in the poses to make the combination animated in the unit. I chose to revert to shade of red I used to good effect many years ago when I painted Mackay's Regiment of Scots in Dutch service.

I admit it is a somewhat gaudy but it has high impact particularly when combined with the interesting greens I ended up using.


Swedish gunners finally available!

At last, I have actually been home long enough to load something up on the web!

The first two sets are available in the Warfare shop with the third set available within two weeks. We will be selling them at CRISIS this weekend!

Come and see them painted on the table!



Running back

Warfare R08 GNW Russian musketeers loading and priming in kartuz

This code is the most interesting of the three kartuz wearing packs so far in terms of variety of poses.
Clib has done a marvellous job in creating natural yet purposeful poses in the busy men readying their weapons to fire.

Combined with the firing line poses the units will be visually attractive and busy to look at.

Warfare Miniatures R11 GNW Russian pikemen at the charge

R11 Pikemen at the charge

These chaps are wonderful. With their pistols tucked into the waist belt and looks of determination on their faces I enjoyed painting them very much.

They will fit into a firing line and an attacking battalion equally well. Examples of both will appear on the blog soon.

For now just enjoy..

Swedish Command S11 and S12 - painted after 18 months

Swedish Command Marching S11

Well, yes the models have been available for 18 months and maybe they have not sold as fast as other codes because I never got round to painting them and putting these nice versions in the shop!

Senior officer - possibly the colonel
No nonsense Sergeant
Elegant Drummer
Open handed Colour bearer
The second colour bearer

Both are for use with marching battalions with code S12...

GNW Early period Russian musketeer

nice pose and elegant, slender sculpt

I like this figure. I like its slender upright look and the detail on it is fantastic. It was a test sculpt and has not gone into production. I have no idea what the demand would be for it nevertheless, I am painting myself a couple of units of the type right now.

figure from various angles

I am experimenting with different uniform combinations and may end up...

GNW Russian - an advanced Guard!

careful of this chap!

We are still working on the production moulds for this set R10 Russian Infantry defending however, I was able to grab some time to paint what I consider to be one of the finest sculpts yet from Clib.

superb detail on the back - shoulder strap and gear arrangement

Aaarrgh!!!!!!! Take that Lars!

Can't wait to paint the rest of this pack. Should be out in November
Drill manual pose....

S22 GNW Swedish Grenadiers ready

S22 Swedish Grenadiers in mitre -ready

The first pack of Swedish grenadiers is in the 'ready' pose. We have talked a lot about how the grenadiers should be presented in the range and have several options up our sleeves including plug in grenadier caps but for now this pose was a safe bet.

Super pose with the head angled in an interesting way

same model

The tall mitre style appears to have been in use...

New Russians released!

Two codes R7 and R8 combined to give a sense of battalion mass

These have been in production for a few weeks and some people have already ordered them by private enquiry but the delay is all due to me. I wanted to get some samples painted properly before uploading them into the shop.

R6 With kartuz Ready

I am delighted with the sculpts and the style of head wear we went for in the end. It is of...

Warfare Miniatures Mounted Dragoons - detail view

WLOA58 Mounted dragoons in hats

Here is a detailed overview of Warfare Miniatures' new mounted dragoon code of three troopers. The models are sculpted with hats.
This relaxed and natural pose is a nice change

Horse size works very well

The new horses are really well proportioned

The horses are of a size representing the inferior mounts of dragoons. There are four horse variants and three of the four...