The League of Augsburg

I found it in a box....

I obviously bought this for my 28mm projects about the time I was making merchant ships and pinnaces however it was long overlooked in a box, buried under other non started projects. During a recent wargaming colonic irrigation I cleared out much accumulated clutter. Purchases which never got off the stocks or even out of the bubble wrap.

I came across this. I remember buying it at Claymore two or...

Sea, what I mean..

Some 1/2400 scale ships on the finished boards

Sea mats have been very useful so far in my naval adventures and some of them are actually pretty nice. I would however, feel a bit of a phoney if I used one in a demo game at a show. This piece is a short insight into an experiment in making sea boards as opposed to the river boards I am pretty comfortable in producing.

A Nine Years War battle in...

Medway Project: the second board

Completion of the first (and most complex) board for my Medway Campaign fired me up to attack the second. I managed to get it from plain MDF to finished product sans the varnish in less than a week.

Unadorned Board 1 with unpainted board 2 - just sizing it up and getting motivated to begin the paint job.

This section, downriver from the Royal Dockyard stretches from Upnor Castle, an Elizebethan era...

Medway stage 2

A dressed shot of the dockyard looking east from White Wall Creek. 

When I started the project I knew where I wanted it to go but it seemed somewhat of a tall order. Several months down the track and I believe the most difficult bits are behind me. Most of the ships are done. The dockyard board which is the most involved, is done bar the shouting - one minor road change plus the appearance of a...

Walking through 17th century naval rules Part 2 - Hail Mary!

What will happen to the unlucky Eendraght?

The walk through of my evolving naval rules for the 1640-1700 period continues where we pick the action up at the beginning of Turn 4 with the Allies once more winning the initiative which allows them to move first or, compel the French to move.

By the firing step in T4 the Allies had manouevred ships into two opportunities. The first involves Eendraght,...

Walking through 17th century naval rules Part 1

Let me start by saying thanks to Neil Fox for helping me get onto this path in the first instance. He sent his Solebay Fast play sheets to me and I played many games with them to get a feel for the issues around naval gaming and in particular the period 1650-1700.

The Allied squadron in line astern

The more I played, the more I enjoyed, the more I tinkered. The new situations offered additional...

I bet you thought I'd abandoned this..

On the contrary my friends, or should that be Integendeel, mijn vrienden! It takes focus to get a substantial project finished and I had run out of gas with changing short term priorities after completing three of the four corners of this table during the late summer.

Aerial view of layout to get a feel for how it might build. I completed various buildings before attempting the gorundwork.

The most...

The Big One - The Texel AAR Part 1

Into battle! Admiral de Ruyter's Centre squadron at the Battle of The Texel August 21st 1673

It was with great anticipation that I got ready to throw the first dice in this scenario. It was in the planning for weeks. The largest number of ships I had managed to get on the table, probably stretching the limits of a 4 x 4 feet set-up. I had some question marks about how the rules might hold up in...

The Big One - Part 2 The Fleets

For the game I matched the fleets at around 2575 points give or take. The number of line of battle ships was twelve apiece with the Dutch using one frigate and the Allies two. In addition the Dutch used six fire ships and two hoekers whilst the Allies used four fire ships and two yachts.

 Dutch fleet

de Ruyter's Division

De Zeven Provincien (80)
Voorsichtigheid (84)
Spiegel (70)
Maagd van Dordrecht (68)

Just like the Elves....

OTC01 Ottoman cavalry officers
No! Don't turn away, I am NOT blogging about Fantasy models!
Just like Santa's elves I have been hidden away in my man cave working away on painting projects which required a bit of attention. 

OTC04 Ottoman Sipahis with right arm variants

So, here are some more of the completed Ottoman cavalry. I am starting with some finished code shots and a feature on the officer...

Ottoman cavalry available to pre order

mixed codes
I have loaded up the 10 different pack options available to order in the shop for shipping before January 6 2020. With a tail wind I may even get the stock before Christmas.

The variants require a bit of explaining.

Three of the horses

Three more of the horses

Seventh horse is on the far left here

There are seven horse variants. A random selection from the seven will be included in each...

Ottoman mounted archers OTC02

A closer look at the pack OTC02. These split waist archers can be positioned in a variety of poses and with a random selection of three different lower bodies plus the seven different horse types available an astonishing degree of variety is possible. 

The figures were a joy to paint and the sense of movement is tangible. These will be useful for a very wide period of the time from the 1400s to the...