The League of Augsburg

Battle of the Skull Mound 1677: The Scenario


The Ottoman Empire, allied with Crimean Tatars is pushing north on the west bank of the great Dnieper river into the Ukranian territories. The first line of defence is offered by Cossacks on both sides of the river.

A strong Turkish force composed mainly of infantry has been given the objective of capturing a small Cossack settlement near an ancient Patzinak burial site known locally as...

Breaking the surface.. news on the GNW supplement

Mass charge by Polish cavalry 1683

My snorkel has just broken the surface as I come up for air before submerging again into SALUTE 19 on Friday and Saturday.

Brunswick-Celle infantry 1690s

I have not been blogging with regularity over the last three weeks simply because I have snatched every waking hour to finish off the last photos for the new GNW supplement for Beneath the Lily Banners.

The shot...

Swedish Force from the new BLB3 GNW supplement

Onwards to Vlasivka 1709
Trailing the Building your Force section of the new GNW Supplement to Beneath the Lily Banners 3rd Edition, here is the Swedish Force which fights in the example game Vlasivka 1709. The battle is a dramatic walk through the rule amendments for the Swedish army and the game was an extremely close run affair. Shots from the action are included in this post.

The Swedes are...

A most remarkable army.. Kuruc 1703-1711

An Osprey style compilation of Kuruc forces on the march mixing phases of its existence

The by ways of the late 17th century and early 18th provide magnificently juicy brain food for wargamers. Although I had in passing, read about the Kuruc Rebellion in Hungary during the first decade of the 18th century I had gone no further than a quick skim of what it was all about.

During the compilation of...

William III's Italian Allies during the LoA War Book offer

Another generous offer from the Helion Company for members of the League of Augsburg Blog...

William III's Italian Ally: Piedmont and the War of the League of Augsburg 1683-1697 by CIRO PAOLETTI, illustrations by Bruno Mugnai…

from now till the end of March 
£25 post free within the UK, at cost shipping for the rest of the world.

To order the...

The Army of the United Provinces 1660-1687 Book Offer

For members of the League of Augsburg blog here in another attractive offer from Helion:


from now till the end of March 
£25 post free within the UK, at cost shipping for the rest of the world.

To order...

As it should be. Swedish GNW Cavalry

Charge! The Swedish Liv Dragoon Regiment thunders down upon its quaking enemies

It's a legitimate question. Why has it taken you so long to produce a unit of your own cavalry, based in your own 'chevron' style?
Time and conflicting priorities is the answer. I don't have enough of the former and an abundance of the latter.

Squadron 1 full charge in chevron

I did paint about eighteen riders but only...

Jumping the queue!

Cossack infantry advancing

Invigorated by the excellent progress being made on the GNW Supplement for BLB, I treated myself to some painting which was not actually on the very backlogged schedule.

In addition to the painting I did some more reading on Cossacks and found that over the years I had fallen into swallowing a few cliches about them. Perhaps it was too much exposure to the Battleground hex...

Probably the best army in the world?

Danish infantry brigade takes position 1693-1700

Forgive the paraphrasing of Carlsberg's strap-line of the last decades but....

Danish infantry attack the French

If you know any Danes you'll also know they are quite distinct from other Scandinavians. I always find the Danish approach engaging. Direct, curious, straight and no nonsense. They usually like to have some fun too. You know where you are in...

Deep in it.... some of the collateral

Russian Force #1 details below in the text

Where have I been then? Up to my armpits in getting the GNW/Eastern Wars supplement for Beneath the Lily Banners 3rd edition moved forward.

Russian field gun in a log redoubt

The book is being laid out right now and the early views are very encouraging. Despite a pretty extensive archive of shots, I knew I didn't have enough of the right kind. I have thus...

Book offer from Helion 'Mark Allen's work'

Helion is offering to followers of the League of Augsburg Blog: Armies and Enemies of Louis XIV Volume 1 by Mark Allen which is a super, illustrated compilation of his work on the period 1660-1720 first run in Wargames lllustrated LAST CENTURY!  

The offer price is £20 ex shipping. The RRP is £26.96 making this an attractive offer. If you want to order: email 

It is...

GNW Russian Horse Grenadier squadron

These chaps have been languishing on my painting table for some time. Finished but un-photographed. They are the first completed squadron of a large Horse Grenadier Regiment for a Petrine Russian Army.

The Horse Grenadiers were grenadier companies drawn from dragoon regiments and consolidated into discrete regiments. New Grenadier companies were recruited as back fill in the existing dragoon...