The League of Augsburg

Historicon 2016

Clarence Harrison - The table is still a work in progress, but it's almost there! Online registration is now open for Historicon 2016. As loyal readers know, Barry and I will be running a BLB game many times over the course of the event...

Commander of Sallies: The Battle of Pennyburn Mill

Thursday 1300-1700
Friday 0800-1200
Friday 1400-1800
Saturday 0800-1200
Saturday 1400-1800
Sunday 1000-1400


Historicon 2016 - Captain Murray's Horse

Clarence Harrison - Work continues on our game for Historicon and I've just managed to finish Captain Adam Murray's Regiment of Horse!

It actually may be generous to assign a full regiment to Captain Murray. At the Battle of Penny Burn Mill, it is likely his unit was bolstered by numerous officers and troops who were simply milling about as the raid was launched and joined his attack. We know...

Historicon 2016 - Unit Cards

Clarence Harrison - While work continues on the models need for Historicon, I thought I'd throw up a quick post (I have to get back to painting)  to show a few of the other custom bits we'll be bringing along to enhance the game. The first up are unit cards.

Character and unit cards are completely unnecessary in Beneath the Lily Banners. However, I wanted those unfamiliar with the period (or even...

Piers Butler, Lord Galmoy

Clarence Harrison - I've been painting lots of Warfare Miniatures for the Battle of Penny Burn Mill and the units are coming along nicely, but I realized I needed more brigadiers! I am currently wading through two squadrons of Captain Murray's Horse, but I thought I'd treat myself to a quick project and paint up a Jacobite commander - namely Piers Butler, Lord Galmoy.

I drew inspiration from Barry'...

The Earl of Clancarty's Regiment of Foot

Clarence Harrison- Yet another unit for my collection and our game for Historicon 2016, the Earl of Clancarty's regiment. Research said Clancarty's regiment had white or blue cuffs. I chose white because of the many other regiments they could stand in for with a flag swap. Just a quick scroll through the BLB rule book revealed Orkney's, Lord Grand Prior's, Ramsay's, Earl of Angus', and the Scot's...

Tilting at Windmills (The Battle of Penny Burn Mill, Part Nine)

Clarence Harrison - Whew! I just completed this fantastic windmill model from Tabletop World.  I think there are less details on a Napoleonic hussar!

Check out the ropes on the back of the vanes, securing the sails to the frame. Of course, this model will be the centerpiece in our Battle of Penny Burn Mill game for Historicon 2016, forming the anchor of the Jacobite defense.

The stonework was...

The Battle of Penny Burn Mill, Part Eight

Clarence Harrison - Right! Hotel rooms have been reserved. Our games have been submitted to the HMGS. Mr. Hilton is preparing to sacrifice a kidney with all of the plane tickets required. We are all set for Historicon 2016.

We are tentatively scheduled (won't know for sure until the PEL is released in May)...

1pm-5pm... Thursday, July 14th
8am-12pm... Friday, July 15th
2pm-6pm... Friday, July 15th

The Battle of Penny Burn Mill, Part Seven

Clarence Harrison - Just a quick post to show off the water...

I used Woodland Scenics Realistic Waterfor the effect rather than the Envirotex I normally use. The main reason is that the Woodland Scenics product remains flexible when it dries. The Envirotex dries hard as stone. Again, without the wooden base, I was worried about the foam warping a bit and separating from the resin. As an added...

The Battle of Penny Burn Mill, Part Six

Clarence Harrison - Now we are getting somewhere!

Most of the painting is finished. The deep water at the rear of the photo above has been blended from black to a deep blue to a muddy brown. The streams and pools in the marsh are mostly brown with some blue and black blended into the widest parts to simulate deeper water. It will be time to make all this water shiny, but first I wanted to add a...

The Battle of Pennyburn Mill, Part Five

Clarence Harrison - Right! Now I've added some details and the initial painting, on the land areas anyway, is finished.

There's a lot of work left to do, but it's all fun! I need to paint the streams and open expanse of river, which is probably up next, add additional details like marsh grass and other foliage, and finish of the water and bog areas with water effects. I have several buildings to...

The Battle of Penny Burn Mill, Part Four

Clarence Harrison - We are now going to get into the fun part - painting!

Again, if you've just stumbled upon our site for the first time (welcome), this isn't really a tutorial. You can find a twelve-part series detailing my techniques to use on your terrain here. This series is mainly to record the progress on this project and point out a few details on this that may be different from what I've...

The Battle of Penny Burn Mill, Part Three

After the glue was dry on the grass mat, it was time to use the filler to seal all of the remaining exposed foam and blend the roads and river banks into the grass. I use DAP joint compound, but there are dozens of alternatives.

I snuck in two older pics to show the application because I didn't manage any 'action' shots during this build...

Still not much to look at...

Basically, you are just...