The League of Augsburg

Polish Panzers - Pancerni

Pancerni Green Banner

As part of the Eastern Expansion initiated by Toggy I received a large box containing 47 painted Polish cavalry from the brush of talented Rob Goodyer.

Pancerni Red Banner

Perry Brothers' sculpting has come a long way form the 1990s but these models still have a charm all of their own and hold the same place in my heart as Mark Copplestone's big handed Grand Alliance sculpts...

Taking liberties with the Russians

Garrison of?

Is nothing sacred? Hilton bastardizes yet more conventions to get result.....

Two years ago I got Clibinarium to create ten test sculpts for the GNW which have developed into a large and rapidly growing range. One of the first sculpts was a marching Russian musketeer.

Although that figure has very recently developed into a full five variant code which may, by the time this post is...

Inspired by Gunter and PC games

Test base of Saxon cuirassiers - I used WLOA53 with tricornes

I have grown fond of the Saxons but have not yet seriously started painting any. Gunter Heim's mammoth Saxon Army of the GNW used almost exclusively Warfare Miniatures and I have had the pleasure of seeing them in action three times.

Part of Gunter's Kurassier horde

Reading about the Saxons and playing the Pike & Shot Campaign game as the...

Toggy's Cossacks - a splash of colour

Nothing quite like polish on the Polish! - Toggy's winter work.

A splash of colour in a dull world, no. I am not talking about Toggy Bob I am talking about his lovely unit of Cossacks!.. although, Toggy has his moments!

In an effort to persuade him to spend less time with dead fish and rotting fruit I hope to encourage his undoubted but rarely deployed talents away from collecting truck number...

Tactica 2017 - Back to the future?

Our bare-naked table

And.. with the troops - The Swedish view

And the Russian

Well, Toggy and I made it back to Wilhelmsburg this year via Bremen although we lost Mrs H missing in action with melted credit card in hand and crushed under an avalanche of shopping bags.

The Poles finally made their debut and saw considerable action

We know Hamburg's public transport system almost as well as our fellow...

Things to do with carts.. creativity with mundane items

Cart convoy - moving the army the hard way

I like all that nonsense you can create for the table which is not about men with weapons killing each other. I have made it a bit of an LoA trademark  over the years with battery positions, wagons, civilian vignettes and the like.

Muddy waters under the cart - made using yacht varnish

The arrival of the extensive Swedish artillerymen many of whom are open...

Winged Hussars - a joy to behold

Ooh - look at that! Lovely work by Rob G

A little more detail about the fine unit of Winged Hussars commissioned for our 2017 show season.
The models are from Warlord. Nice sculpts with my only criticism being the fragility of the horses ankles which will in some cases undoubtedly lead to fractures if very careful handling is not undertaken at all times.

First squadron in detail

Rob Goodyer did a very...

Instant Army.... well almost

Magnificent Polish Winged Hussar unit by Rob - a joy to base and flag.

Our return visit to TACTICA in 2017 merited a little extra effort and so sticking with the GNW theme that we've been developing we decided to add some Eastern spice to the mixture.

Toggy Bob did this colourful unit of Polish Cossacks - I like them a lot

With the help of Rob Goodyer whose excellent painting skills have become a new...

Warfare R06 Russian Musketeer ready in kartuz

Having scoured the sources for different uniform colour combinations I plumped for this off white and cherry red as an interpretation of Regiment Troitski as listed on the Tacitus website, It was merely an attempt to get away from the green-red combo typifying Russian GNW illos.

The models are very easy to paint and the unfamiliar montero style of the hat was a nice diversion from the tricorne.


Normal Service (as such).. resumed

too much of this leads to....

This.. clearly what colleagues with iPhones are for!

Apologies for my invisibility over the past few days. Work and travel combined to make for very long and jet lagged days which kept me away from the laptop other than to deal with non emergencies.

Needless to say, in that time we've been hacked on the LoA site with I think concomitant arse-ache for anyone trying to log...

William of Orange - Warfare Miniatures by Mark Allen

Mark Allen was one of the main influences on my obsession with the period which has given its name to this Blog. I drooled over Mark's inspirational figures and games photographed so carefully by Duncan Macfarlane as far back as 1991 when they were a staple of Wargames Illustrated. His series on the armies of the period is still a go to resource for me and I am certain, many others.

It therefore...

GNW Swedish units.. the long road since 1996

Foundry+ conversions + Dixons and Redoubt components - The Dal 1996.. sadly gone

I have a nice archive of my GNW efforts form the time when there was pretty much nothing available, through various iterations to now when I am pretty much writing my own ticket with GNW releases.. a kind of fantasy come true.

Plenty of conversion work Ducker's Dragoons 1997 - the cape is milliput - still have these
