The League of Augsburg

Texel ships Part II - returning to Aladdin's Cave

Texel Roads from Den Helder - Texel on the horizon - its a massive anchorage

The area south east of Texel known as the Texel Roads was a massive anchorage for military and merchant vessels throughout the Age of Sail. The kinds of things brought up from frequent salvage dives speaks volumes about Dutch naval heritage. If the French were the Baddies on land the English were definitely the Baddies at...

Warfare Miniatures GNW picture gallery

Occasionally it's time for some unashamed picture overdrive without the commentary. Here are some nice shots from the Great Northern War range which hopefully will inspire some of you to the brush.

Lifeguards pike men leave their billet
Point blank shot at a chicken?

General Rehnskold
Final attack at Poltava
Saxon Battle line at Klissow

Streltsi - at the Gates of Narva (before the bad weather of...

Building up the Panzer Division: Imperial Cuirassiers

Why would you not want to build the army that consistently contributed to the defence of Christian Europe and to facing down Christian Europe's most powerful Catholic monarch?

The Austrians/Habsburgs/Holy Roman Empire/Imperialist Army is the Janus of continental Europe - looking both South and North(west) at once.

For some reasons I always think the Austrians don't get a fair kick at the ball....

New pdf set : A Wargamer's guide to the Williamite Army at Aughrim

I have been working on this pdf set for two years and it is finally ready for publishing. It follows the format used in our successful Boyne and Derry series of pdfs.

Clarence has made some super contributions on artwork and we've updated certain information in light of continuing research and focus.

The contents follow this pattern:

A01. Modelling the Williamite Army and its senior officers
A02. The...

Amazing diorama work from Tactica

This French and Indian Wars diorama is truly stunning work. Scale is 15 or 20mm. The makers are a German team from somewhere in the north of the country.

I saw another piece of their work through photos which is an enormous Napoleonic diorama with several Austrian infantry regiments depicted on an 1:1 scale.. yes you read that correctly.


Kurpfalz Feldherren Wargame Club, Germany

We meet up with the guys from Kurpfalz Feldherren at Tactica, Hamburg,  Crisis, Antwerp and even at Partizan. They do wonderful games at least two of which have been featured on the blog before. Lovely bunch of people, totally into their hobby and it really shows.

This wonderful game was I think Juergen told me, inspired by some of the Donnybrook Dark ideas (well the town at least). I just love the...

ECW /TYW Cavalry released

I am very pleased to announce that the three codes of ECW/TYW troopers are available in the shop.
Price is our usual for cavalry £8.50 per set of three horses and riders.

And, Here they are in all their glory!

Poltava part 2 - the terrain

Jon and Diane used artificial grass for the terrain and the manual paint job was very effective. The playing surface is very robust and would take a fair bit of punishment if unfortunate enough to experience it.

The table was twenty feet by six and the paints used were I understand, commercial emulsions. The paint job was completed by running the mats over a wallpapering table.

The redoubts are...

New product news from Warfare Miniatures

Set 1 - Lobster helmet, armour and swords

ECW/TYW Cavalry

These three codes will be released sometime in January 2018. It has taken them a long time to reach the market having been sculpted bout five or six years ago.

Set 2 lobster helmet, armour and pistols

There are currently nine sculpts eight of which are pictured here. The missing, pistol armed trooper in lobster pot belongs to set 2. In the...

Guest post -Swedish artillery

Some wonderful work by William Nguyen Tan Ho from France on Swedish artillery from the Great Northern War.

William has done a super job on these chaps and the basing just sets it off nicely. I was very happy to receive the pictures and share them on the blog.

Wonderful limber piece too!

Feature- Russian Commanders

Shermetev, Menshikov, Repnin

From existing paintings it is difficult to definitively decide exactly how a particular historical figure looked. Statuesque and heroic or pox faced and pot bellied? Hardly the latter considering the sitter usually commissioned the artwork and nobody wants to look ugly in a 17th or 18th century version of the modern pouting selfie!

We chose three colourful characters...

Lots of Dragoons

Painted as Hanoverian Dragoons - WLOA58 and WLOA60

I have been slow off the mark painting and basing my dragoons but the new codes have sold very well so far despite having no oxygen of publicity.

Painted as Enniskillen Dragoons 1689-1692 WLOA58 & WLOA60 

So, time to give them a little ventilation and let everyone see how they look in nice units. Painted by myself, Toggy, Rob Goodier and Jim Masson...