The League of Augsburg

Flags for the Austrians!

Clarence Harrison - With the imminent arrival of the new Austrian foot from Warfare Miniatures, I thought it was only right to give the lads some banners to wave martially about. These are based on the designs for 1705 to 1712, but may work for a little after as changes in regulations and changes in the field were often different things.

To get things started, we have five sets...


The War in Ireland - A trip through the archives Part 2

Warfare Miniatures - infantry in Ireland mostly from codes V01-V06

Having hungrily sucked up as much of what little collateral I could find in the early days of being interested in the period, I began to assemble my own bits and pieces and make that available. Of course, this is a continuous work in progress as new information occasionally appears or I decide to revisit certain aspects and...

Productivity is getting ahead of me

I have been too busy casting, painting, writing and gaming to update the online shop but Warfare has accrued a massivc amount of new products over the past year which do not appear in the store. Here is a list of wonderful stuff which is currently available but NOT in the store

Swedish cavalry in karpus Charging 1
Swedish cavalry in karpus Charging 2
Swedish cavalry in karpus Ready 1
Swedish cavalry...

River crossing scenarios - Barry's Half-men


Some new and unique pieces which I will be selling off.

I tinker with stuff. It's an illness and I have had for years. I can't just leave things alone. I have to be chopping up figures, converting them and generally mucking about. Having been fixated with river crossings in Ireland (it all started with the Boyne you see) for quite some time, I have accrued a lot of what was once described by a...

Officers with character... 1670 -1714

These are the chaps you imagined leading their battalions into the teeth of enemy fire. All the aspects are here - haughty, arrogant, determined, courageous, foolish, vacuous! A cross section of the noblesse.

First 5 painted. 5 more to do. I had fun with these. Two packs - 10 in total. Not gone to production moulding yet but I'll have a limited number of masters to sell over the next couple of...

Stuff happens - Warfare Miniatures not trading at SALUTE

Stuff happens. I normally ride to SALUTE on someone else's wagon and up until very recently that arrangement was good to go. Unfortunately, my partner's organization is now unable to trade at SALUTE.

This means my logistics have collapsed and other arrangements made it impossible to re-cut the plan and get all the trade commodities, racking, stock etc to London. 

The good news is I personally WILL...

Warfare Miniatures update

I am sitting on a pile of gold, well, what I mean is I am in possession of a large quantity of mastered greens/sculpts which as yet, I have not managed to get master or production moulded.

Covid is at the root of the backlog but the complete reorganization of production facilities at Warfare Miniatures and the introduction of Ark Royal Miniatures had contributed to the production line constipation....

Warfare Miniatures at Salute 2021

Danish Battalion 1710

Warfare Miniatures will be attending and trading at Salute on November 13th 2021. We will attempt to carry as much of our extensive range as possible but as that keeps expanding, it is becoming more difficult to do that.

Ark Royal Miniatures 1/1200 scale 17th century ships

To make things as easy as possible for our customers we will offer a 12% discount on all pre-orders for any...

Armour... Turkish style

I managed to complete three of the 15 sipahis which will be released in the Autumn. I really enjoyed these. Simple, easy to paint and very dramatic looking. I intend to share them all mounted singly first before I put them into units which will be at the core of the strike force for the Ottoman Army.

These fellas will be suitable across an extremely wide time span depending on what equipment I...

Ottoman Artillery - pre release - release!

Ottoman positional battery with 15 gunners

These were sculpted a long time back but Covid scuppered the release in various ways. I have not yet production moulded them but I have a limited number of master casts which I can make available to anyone who wants to get their hands on some now. There are three sets following our established pattern of Firing, Running back and Loading. 

OTG01 Gunners...

Ah! That's where you've been...

Inaugural casting accompanied by some Belgian beer

I have not been blogging for a while for a variety of business and personal reasons which are of no concern here on the blog but have consumed significant time and energy. Needless to say, not all of that was negative and one of the biggest draws on my limited time was transferring the location of Warfare Miniatures production and commercial...

Ark Royal pricing and squadron deals


Ark Royal packs will be priced at £21.50 with a set of ratlines @ £2.50 per pack. The ratline/shroud sets are optional and will cover all the ships in a pack where relevant. Some smaller ships do not require ratlines.

There are squadron deals availalbe covering the 18 listed options below with pack numbers and quantities noted. A squadron deal has three packs and will cost £56 and thus offer a...